Accessibility Lunch Seminar - Kayo Yin February 24, 2025 12:00pm — 1:00pm Location: In Person and Virtual - ET - ASA Conference Room, Gates Hillman 6115 and Zoom Speaker: KAYO YIN, Ph.D. Student, Berkeley AI Research (BAIR) , Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences , University of California, Berkeley Signed languages are complex natural languages that rely on multiple articulators moving simultaneously in 3D space. Despite recent advances in AI and language modeling, developing technology that can truly understand and work with signed languages remains challenging. This talk will introduce the linguistic properties of American Sign Language (ASL) that underscore the complexity of signed language modeling, and discuss current progress in signed language technology. Then, I will dive deeper into our recent work on developing AI-powered tools to make STEM education more accessible to deaf and hard-of-hearing students. Finally, I will conclude with open challenges and future directions for signed language AI research. — Kayo Yin is a PhD student at UC Berkeley advised by Jacob Steinhardt and Dan Klein. She currently works on LLM interpretability and NLP for signed languages. Before that, she was a Master’s student at Carnegie Mellon University advised by Graham Neubig, and completed her undergraduate studies at École Polytechnique. Her research has been recognized by the ACL 2023 Best Resource Paper award, EMNLP 2022 Best Paper Honorable Mention award, ACL 2021 Best Theme Paper award, a Siebel Scholarship, the Thomas Clarkson medal, and the Vitalik Buterin Fellowship on AI Safety. In Person and Zoom Participation. See announcement. Event Website: Add event to Google Add event to iCal