Faculty Hiring Each year we seek candidates who have demonstrated commitment to excellence and leadership in undergraduate and graduate teaching, research, and/or service toward building an equitable and diverse scholarly environment. The Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon University was established in 1965 and is known worldwide for our broad view of computer science. We build upon the strong foundations our history has provided, and act quickly to explore new directions. We are fearless in pushing the frontiers of our field. Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon is also distinctive for our research style, educational programs, commitment to diversity, culture and organizational structure. It is the union of all these factors — not just one of them — that truly distinguishes us from other programs.We typically hire for multiple positions in a broad range of computing areas including:Algorithms and TheoryArtificial IntelligenceComputer GraphicsCybersecurity, Privacy, and CryptographyPerformance Modeling/AnalysisProgramming Languages, Logic, and VerificationSystemsOther emerging areas in Computer ScienceImportant DatesApplication deadlines for faculty positions that begin Fall 2025:Application opens: August 5, 2024Teaching Track Early Review Deadline: October 2, 2024Application Closes: December 11, 2024 Teaching Track Faculty PositionsTeaching track faculty are responsible for teaching courses and enjoy the flexibility and opportunity to engage in broader aspects of our educational programs. They are generally expected to teach or co-teach one course per semester which allows for a deeper engagement with students as well as time to pursue research, advise students, design or participate in outreach programs for students and teachers, create new courses, explore and experiment with new teaching methodologies, write course materials including books and online resources or other related interests. Teaching is usually in our core courses alongside other faculty, providing critical insight on pedagogy and maintaining overall learning outcomes, but some teaching track faculty also teach in specialized areas. You will work with some of the brightest students in computing in the Gates Hillman Center featuring numerous collaborative spaces and modern labs. Teaching track faculty serve on various committees alongside other faculty at the department, school, and university levels.Individuals seeking this position will be responsible for leading the growth of our curriculum, including improving educational outcomes and extending our reach. Appointments are expected to be at the Assistant Teaching Professor level, but applicants with significant experience in teaching and major impact in CS education may be considered for a higher level. Appointments at the level of Assistant Teaching Professor are for three years and renewable, with a career path for promotion to Associate and Full Teaching Professor. Teaching track faculty in the Computer Science Department are full voting members of the department and enjoy full faculty privileges including eligibility for a sabbatical.You should have a PhD in Computer Science or a related computing discipline, a background of demonstrated excellence and dedication to teaching, the ability to work well with other faculty in a fast-paced environment, and must be prepared to teach larger undergraduate and master’s lecture courses. We require 3 references who can supply recommendations that address teaching skills, areas of expertise and potential to contribute to the department's mission of providing the highest quality computer science education. You must submit a teaching statement that describes your teaching methodology, and a video sample demonstrating their teaching methods. You have the option to also submit a research statement.The department is committed to diversity in education and we particularly encourage applications from candidates who have a demonstrated track record in mentoring women and underrepresented minority students. Applicants looking for a primarily research-based position or those who are looking to teach solely advanced courses are not a good fit for this position. Positions include Assistant Teaching Professor, Associate Teaching Professor, Teaching Professor.Review of teaching track applications will being in the fall. We encourage candidates to submit their application by the early review deadline of October 2, 2024.https://www.cmu.edu/policies/faculty/appointments-teaching-track.htmlAPPLY via Interfolio for Teaching Track Positions in Computer ScienceFor any questions regarding applications, please email: scs-faculty-search@cs.cmu.edu Research Track Faculty PositionsResearch track faculty are fully supported from sources external to the university. Primary contributions most closely resemble tenure-track faculty positions in regard to responsibility in designing, carrying out and managing research, including service as principal investigator when appropriate. You are not required to teach, though many choose to do so, and are not subject to the tenure procedure. Performance is evaluated on a regular basis by department, school and university review committees.Research-track faculty have the same rights and responsibilities as tenure-track faculty. In particular, research faculty may supervise PhD students and be principal investigators on research proposals. The positions are Assistant Research Professor, Associate Research Professor and Research Professor. https://www.cmu.edu/policies/faculty/appointments-research-faculty.htmlSystems Track Faculty PositionsSystems track faculty conduct and support research in basic and applied computer science, and advance the state of practice. The hallmark of these positions is creativity in the implementation of research ideas and problem solutions, and in the management of research programs. These positions, which range over computer science, computer architecture, communication, robotics, and related disciplines, are characterized by expertise, depth of knowledge, and sustained accomplishment in a particular specialization. Moreover, managerial positions are focal points of responsibility for formulating and achieving research goals that require the ability to lead and coordinate technical activities. All of these positions require persons of sufficiently high caliber and specific talent to justify the conferring of faculty status in order to attract and retain them, without requiring of them all the activities expected of regular faculty members.Primary contributions in this track may be other than original research, and therefore teaching or research faculty positions are not appropriate; it confers the rights and responsibilities of leadership associated with regular and research faculty, including service as co-principal investigator and co-supervision of research students where appropriate. Faculty in this track are evaluated on a regular basis by department and school review committees. Systems faculty are classified as Special Faculty, and receive staff benefits. Positions include Systems Scientist, Senior Systems Scientist, and Principal Systems Scientist.https://www.cmu.edu/policies/faculty/appointments-special-faculty.htmlTenure Track Faculty PositionsTenure track candidates are expected to have a strong interest in research, outstanding academic credentials, and have earned their doctoral degree by the date of appointment as faculty. You should also have a strong interest in graduate and undergraduate education. We particularly encourage applications from candidates who have a demonstrated track record in mentoring and nurturing female and underrepresented minority students.Tenure-track faculty have a direct educational involvement with students inside and outside the classroom, including such activities as instruction, seminars, independent study, project supervision, advising undergraduate and graduate students, and supervision of graduate and postdoctoral research. Other educational activities include development of new or updated courses, curricula, degree programs and training programs; educational publications, textbooks and other instructional materials; editorial work on professional journals; and service on program committees. Tenure-track faculty also have an obligation to conduct research activities that lead to the production of new knowledge.Positions include Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor. Faculty in this category are subject to the tenure procedure outlined in the University Faculty Appointment and Tenure Policy: https://www.cmu.edu/policies/faculty/appointment-and-tenure-policy.html.APPLY via Interfolio for Faculty Positions in Computer ScienceFor any questions regarding applications, please email: scs-faculty-search@cs.cmu.edu The Mark Stehlik Postdoctoral Teaching FellowshipApplications are invited for the Mark Stehlik Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. This is a high-profile, one-year position, beginning Fall 2024, with a possibility of renewal for a second year. We seek recent PhD recipients in computer science with a strong interest, and demonstrated promise in teaching, who would like to gain teaching experience in a vibrant environment with a dynamic curriculum and excellent students. Candidates should have the ability to teach at all levels in the undergraduate curriculum.Detailed curriculum vitae Teaching statement A broader impact statement (Optional) Research statement.For questions please email: Stehlik-teaching-fellowship@cs.cmu.edu(Optional) Copies of 3 representative papersNames and email addresses of three or more individuals who have been asked to provide letters of reference. APPLY via Interfolio for All Faculty Positions in Computer ScienceFor any questions regarding applications, please email:scs-faculty-search@cs.cmu.edu Carnegie Mellon University abides by the requirements of 41 CFR §§ 60-1.4(a), 60-300.5(a) and 60-741.5(a). These regulations prohibit discrimination against qualified individuals based on their status as protected veterans or individuals with disabilities, and prohibit discrimination against all individuals based on their race, color, religion, sex, or national origin. Moreover, these regulations require that covered prime contractors and subcontractors take affirmative action to employ and advance in employment individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, protected veteran status or disability. About Events News Key Contacts History Sitemap Employment Faculty Hiring Staff Hiring Marketing & Communications Visit Carnegie Mellon Give