Teaching Track Faculty Candidate - Ranysha Ware November 18, 2024 3:00pm — 4:00pm Location: In Person and Virtual - ET - Hall of Arts 160 and Zoom Speaker: RANYSHA WARE , Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, Computer Science Department, Carnegie Mellon University https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~rware/ Teaching Demo: Data Analysis – Analyzing and Visualizing (15-110 Lecture) 15-110 is a broad computer science overview for non-majors with little programming experience, taught in Python. In this interactive 50-minute lecture, we cover the practicalities of doing basic data analysis in Python. After this lecture students should be able to: 1) Perform basic analyses of data, including calculating statistics and probabilities, to answer simple questions, 2) Choose an appropriate visualization to create based on the number of dimensions and data types, and 3) Create simple matplotlib visualizations. You can see the lectures leading up to this one on the course schedule here.— Dr. Ranysha Ware is a Teaching Postdoctoral Fellow at CMU passionate about effective and inclusive computer science education. She was previously a PhD student at CMU, advised by Justine Sherry and Srinivasan Seshan. Her research focused on building better tools to understand modern congestion control algorithms. Her work has received numerous awards including the IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize, Applied Networking Research Prize, a Facebook Emerging Scholars Award, and a National GEM Consortium PhD Fellowship. Outside of research, during her time at CMU, she was a TA for 15-441/641 (Networking and the Internet), 15-112 (Fundamentals of Programming and CS), and 07-300 (Research and Innovation in CS). In addition, she was an instructor of record for 15-112 in Summer 2023 and currently is a co-instructor for 15-110 (Principles of Computing) with Professor Michael Taylor. Dr. Ware seeks to broaden participation in CS by combining pedagogical research with care and compassion. Outside of work, she is an avid board gamer. In Person and Zoom Participation. See announcement. Add event to Google Add event to iCal