David Touretzky Research Professor Website ORCiD Office 9013 Gates and Hillman Centers Email dst@andrew.cmu.edu Phone (412) 268-7561 Department Computer Science Department Administrative Support Person Oliver Moss Research Interests Artificial Intelligence Robotics CSD Courses Taught 15294 - Fall, 2025 15394 - Fall, 2025 15883 - Fall, 2025 15494 - Spring, 2025 15694 - Spring, 2025 15294 - Fall, 2024 15394 - Fall, 2024 15294 - Spring, 2024 15694 - Spring, 2024 15394 - Spring, 2024 15494 - Spring, 2024 My current research focuses on robotics and computing education. I have previously done work in computational neuroscience, connectionist modeling, and knowledge representation.Tekkotsu Framework for Robotics EducationWhen robots incorporate vision systems and high degree-of-freedom manipulators, simple reactive programming strategies no longer suffice. How can state of the art robot programming be made accessible to beginners? Tekkotsu ("framework" in Japanese) is an open source software framework used to introduce computer science undergraduates to essential robotics topics such as computer vision, landmark-based navigation, path planning, and manipulation. I am interested in how robot programming systems can be made more sophisticated while remaining transparent and easy to experiment with. The Tekkotsu software and curriculum materials are used by a number of universities, as well as in my own course here at CMU. Observing how students actually use the software allows us to refine it and explore new approaches to high level robot programming.Teaching Children Programming Via IdiomsIn computer programming, idioms are familiar bits of code that perform common or important functions. A programming language's level of abstraction determines the kinds of idioms it affords. "Incrementing a counter" is a low level idiom common to most languages. "Pursue and consume" is an important idiom in Kodu, a programming language designed for young children that provides high level primitives inspired by behavioral-based robotics. I'm working on developing a Kodu-based curriculum for K-6 students that explicitly teaches idioms and also places a heavy emphasis on finite state machines. Acquiring the concept of state machines at an early age is an important step toward computational thinking, and can equip a child to master a wide range of technologies.Creating Affordable Mobile ManipulatorsOne of the obstacles to improving undergraduate robotics education has been the lack of affordable mobile manipulators. I have been developing mobile robots with serious vision and manipulation capabilities that can be used in a classroom. The first was the Chiara hexapod, which went on to play chess at AAAI and even play a bit of Bach on YouTube. More recently, the Calliope series of robots combine a wheeled base with a camera on a pan/tilt mount, an arm with a gripper, and a Linux netbook. The latest model, the Calliope3, has a target price below $1,000. Publications Journal Article From Lecture Hall to Homeroom: Co-Designing an AI Elective with Middle School CS Teachers 2025 • International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Gelder W, Yu X, Touretzky D, Gardner-McCune C, Uchidiuno J Journal Article Neural Networks in Middle School 2024 • ACM Inroads • 15(3):24-28 Touretzky DS, Chen A, Pawar N Conference BOF: Organizing State-Level Efforts for K-12 AI Education 2023 1242-1242 Gardner-Mccune C, Touretzky D, Cox B, Dungan C, O'Grady-Cunnif D Conference Co-Designing an AI Curriculum with University Researchers and Middle School Teachers 2023 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 2, SIGCSE 2023 • 1306-1306 Gardner-McCune C, Touretzky D, Cox B, Uchidiuno J, Jimenez Y, Bentley B, Hanna W, Jones A Conference Lessons Learned From Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Middle School Students 2023 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 2, SIGCSE 2023 • 1371-1371 Touretzky D, Gardner-McCune C, Cox B, Uchidiuno J, Kolodner J, Stapleton P
Journal Article From Lecture Hall to Homeroom: Co-Designing an AI Elective with Middle School CS Teachers 2025 • International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education Gelder W, Yu X, Touretzky D, Gardner-McCune C, Uchidiuno J
Journal Article Neural Networks in Middle School 2024 • ACM Inroads • 15(3):24-28 Touretzky DS, Chen A, Pawar N
Conference BOF: Organizing State-Level Efforts for K-12 AI Education 2023 1242-1242 Gardner-Mccune C, Touretzky D, Cox B, Dungan C, O'Grady-Cunnif D
Conference Co-Designing an AI Curriculum with University Researchers and Middle School Teachers 2023 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 2, SIGCSE 2023 • 1306-1306 Gardner-McCune C, Touretzky D, Cox B, Uchidiuno J, Jimenez Y, Bentley B, Hanna W, Jones A
Conference Lessons Learned From Teaching Artificial Intelligence to Middle School Students 2023 • PROCEEDINGS OF THE 54TH ACM TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM ON COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION, VOL 2, SIGCSE 2023 • 1371-1371 Touretzky D, Gardner-McCune C, Cox B, Uchidiuno J, Kolodner J, Stapleton P