Algorithms & Advanced Data Structures Course ID 15650 Description The objective of this course is to study general computational problems, with a focus on the principles used to design those algorithms. Efficient data structures will be discussed to support these algorithmic concepts. Topics include: Run time analysis, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, network flow algorithms, linear and integer programming, large-scale search algorithms and heuristics, efficient data storage and query, and NP-completeness. Although this course will have several programming assignments, it is primarily not a programming course. Instead, it will focus on the design and analysis of algorithms for general classes of problems. This course is not open to CS graduate students who should consider taking 15-651 instead. Key Topics Run time analysis; Divide-and-conquer algorithms; Dynamic programming algorithms; Network flow algorithms; Linear and integer programming; Large-scale search algorithms and heuristics; Efficient data storage and query; NP-completeness Learning Resources Piazza; Course Textbook Course Relevance This course is for students not in the computer science major or minor who are interested in advanced data structures. 15-650 is for graduate students not in CS. Undergraduates should enroll in 15-351. Course Goals Ability to design, analyze complexity of, and prove the correctness of algorthims used with data structures. Pre-required Knowledge Understanding of C and data structures from 15-122 Assessment Structure Homework 30%; Midterm 40%; Final Exam 30% Course Link…