Current Courses Spring 2025You can toggle for Graduate or Undergraduate or search by course number. Courses & Curriculum Related ResourcesCurrent Semester Courses |Upcoming Semester Courses | Doctoral Breadth CoursesSchedule of Classes | Undergraduate Curriculum Requirements | Undergraduate CatalogMSCS Handbook | Fifth Year Master's Handbook | Ph.D. Handbook | Student Resources Course Level - Any -UndergradMastersDoctoral Search Breadth - Any -*- 15650 Algorithms and Advanced Data Structures 12 The objective of this course is to study general computational problems, with a focus on the principles used to design those algorithms. Efficient data structures will be discussed to support these algorithmic concepts. Topics include: Run time analysis, divide-and-conquer algorithms, dynamic programming algorithms, network flow algorithms, linear and integer programming, large-scale search algorithms and heuristics, efficient data storage and query, and NP-completeness. Although this course will have several programming assignments, it is primarily not a programming course. Instead, it will focus on the design and analysis of algorithms for general classes of problems. This course is not open to CS graduate students who should consider taking 15-651 instead. Instructor(s) Dan DeBlasioSeyed Hosein Mohimani Click to read more... 15651 Algorithm Design and Analysis 12 This course is intended for SCS graduate students. This course is about the design and analysis of algorithms. We study specific algorithms for a variety of problems, as well as general design and analysis techniques. Specific topics include searching, sorting, algorithms for graph problems, efficient data structures, lower bounds and NP-completeness. A variety of other topics may be covered at the discretion of the instructor. These include parallel algorithms, randomized algorithms, geometric algorithms, low level techniques for efficient programming, cryptography, and cryptographic protocols. Instructor(s) David WoodruffDaniel Anderson Click to read more... 15652 Foundations of Programming Languages 12 This course discusses in depth many of the concepts underlying the design, definition, implementation, and use of modern programming languages. Formal approaches to defining the syntax and semantics are used to describe the fundamental concepts underlying programming languages. A variety of programming paradigms are covered such as imperative, functional, logic, and concurrent programming. In addition to the formal studies, experience with programming in the languages is used to illustrate how different design goals can lead to radically different languages and models of computation. Instructor(s) Stephanie Balzer Click to read more... 15653 Logic and Mechanized Reasoning 12 Symbolic logic is fundamental to computer science, providing a foundation for the theory of programming languages, database theory, AI, knowledge representation, automated reasoning, interactive theorem proving, and formal verification. Formal methods based on logic complement statistical methods and machine learning by providing rules of inference and means of representation with precise semantics. These methods are central to hardware and software verification, and have also been used to solve open problems in mathematics. This course will introduce students to logic on three levels: theory, implementation, and application. It will focus specifically on applications to automated reasoning and interactive theorem proving. We will present the underlying mathematical theory, and students will develop the mathematical skills that are needed to design and reason about logical systems in a rigorous way. We will also show students how to represent logical objects in a functional programming language, Lean, and how to implement fundamental logical algorithms. We will show students how to use contemporary automated reasoning tools, including SAT solvers, SMT solvers, and first-order theorem provers to solve challenging problems. Finally, we will show students how to use Lean as an interactive theorem prover. Instructor(s) Marijn Heule Click to read more... 15661 Interaction and Expression using the Pausch Bridge Lighting 4 Working in cross-disciplinary teams, students will explore light as art, interactive design and programming using a Pharos lighting control system. Students will explore the use of light and interaction using the actual controls within the Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge. Student teams will develop final projects that will be exhibited on the actual Randy Pausch Memorial Bridge. Instructor(s) Mary Ellen StebbinsGarth Zeglin Click to read more... 15662 Computer Graphics 12 This course provides a comprehensive introduction to computer graphics. It focuses on fundamental concepts and techniques, and their cross-cutting relationship to multiple problem domains in graphics (rendering, animation, geometry, imaging). Topics include: sampling, aliasing, interpolation, rasterization, geometric transformations, parameterization, visibility, compositing, filtering, convolution, curves & surfaces, geometric data structures, subdivision, meshing, spatial hierarchies, ray tracing, radiometry, reflectance, light fields, geometric optics, Monte Carlo rendering, importance sampling, camera models, high-performance ray tracing, differential equations, time integration, numerical differentiation, physically-based animation, optimization, numerical linear algebra, inverse kinematics, Fourier methods, data fitting, example-based synthesis. Students will learn through lectures, exercises, and through hands-on programming experience as they build a 3D modeling, rasterization, path-tracing, and animation utility, Scotty3D, in C++. Instructor(s) Nancy Pollard Click to read more... 15668 Physics-Based Rendering 12 This course is an introduction to physics-based rendering at the advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate level. During the course, we will cover fundamentals of light transport, including topics such as the rendering and radiative transfer equation, light transport operators, path integral formulations, and approximations such as diffusion and single scattering. Additionally, we will discuss state-of-the-art models for illumination, surface and volumetric scattering, and sensors. Finally, we will use these theoretical foundations to develop Monte Carlo algorithms and sampling techniques for efficiently simulating physically-accurate images. Towards the end of the course, we will look at advanced topics such as rendering wave optics, neural rendering, and differentiable rendering. Instructor(s) Ioannis Gkioulekas Click to read more... 15686 Neural Computation 12 Computational neuroscience is an interdisciplinary science that seeks to understand how the brain computes to achieve natural intelligence. It seeks to understand the computational principles and mechanisms of intelligent behaviors and mental abilities -- such as perception, language, motor control, and learning -- by building artificial systems and computational models with the same capabilities. This course explores how neurons encode and process information, adapt and learn, communicate, cooperate, compete and compute at the individual level as well as at the levels of networks and systems. It will introduce basic concepts in computational modeling, information theory, signal processing, system analysis, statistical and probabilistic inference. Concrete examples will be drawn from the visual system and the motor systems, and studied from computational, psychological and biological perspectives. Students will learn to perform computational experiments using Matlab and quantitative studies of neurons and neuronal networks. Instructor(s) Tai-Sing Lee Click to read more... 15689 Independent Study in the Computer Sciences varies This course is for Computer Science master's students carrying out research supervised by a faculty member. Students will be automatically wait-listed pending program approval of an independent-study prospectus (contact your academic advisor for details). Instructor(s) Ruben MartinsDave Eckhardt Click to read more... 15690 MSCS Career Planning 3 This class is for students enrolled in the Applied Study variant of the MSCS program. The class will support students in clarifying their objectives for their applied-study experience in consultation with their advisor and Career Center staff. Throughout the semester students will seek, develop, and select among applied-study experiences. Instructor(s) Dave EckhardtRuben Martins Click to read more... 15694 Cognitive Robotics 12 This course will explore the future of robot toys by analyzing and programming Anki Cozmo, a new robot with built-in artificial intelligence algorithms. Como is distinguished from earlier consumer robots by its reliance on vision as the primary sensing mode and its sophisticated use of A.I. Its capabilities include face and object recognition, map building, path planning, and object pushing and stacking. Although marketed as a pre-programmed children's toy, Cozmo's open source Python SDK allows anyone to develop new software for it, which means it can also be used for robotics education and research. Instructor(s) David Touretzky Click to read more... 15697 Graduate Reading and Research varies This course number is intended to be used to register for master's degree reading and research units. Instructor(s) Ruben MartinsTracy FarbacherDave Eckhardt Click to read more... 15698 MSCS Research Thesis varies This course is for students in the "MSCS" course-based Computer Science master's program who are participating in the thesis option. Students will be automatically wait-listed pending program approval of a thesis proposal (contact your academic advisor for details). Instructor(s) Ruben MartinsDave Eckhardt Click to read more... 15713 Advanced Foundations of Programming Languages 12 An advanced follow-on to 15-312 developing further ideas and results in the theory of programming languages. Instructor(s) Robert Harper Click to read more... 15719 Advanced Cloud Computing 12 Computing in the cloud has emerged as a leading paradigm for cost-effective, scalable, well-managed computing. Users pay for services provided in a broadly shared, power efficient datacenter, enabling dynamic computing needs to be met without paying for more than is needed. Actual machines may be virtualized into machine-like services, or more abstract programming platforms, or application-specific services, with the cloud computing infrastructure managing sharing, scheduling, reliability, availability, elasticity, privacy, provisioning and geographic replication This course will survey the aspects of cloud computing by reading about 30 papers and articles, executing cloud computing tasks on a state of the art cloud computing service, and implementing a change or feature in a state of the art cloud computing framework. There will be no final exam, but there will be two in class exams. Grades will be about 50 project work and about 50 examination results. Instructor(s) Majd SakrGregory Ganger Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Software Systems - (-) 15740 Computer Architecture 12 This course attempts to provide a deep understanding of the issues and challenges involved in designing and implementing modern computer systems. Our primary goal is to help students become more skilled in their use of computer systems, including the development of applications and system software. Users can benefit greatly from understanding how computer systems work, including their strengths and weaknesses. This is particularly true in developing applications where performance is an issue. Instructor(s) Dimitrios Skarlatos Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Computer Systems - (*) 15754 Spectral Graph Theory 12 A graduate course on spectral graph theory: how to establish graph structure through linear algebra, and how to exploit this connection for faster algorithms Instructor(s) Jason LiRyan O'Donnell Click to read more... 15759 Special Topics in Theory: A Principled Approach to Optimization 12 This is a course giving a rigorous treatment of several topics in the theory of convex optimization. There will be a particular focus on developing intuition for how to analyze many convex optimization processes from first principles. Topics may include: gradient descent, interior point methods, linear regression, linear programming, sparsification, and more. Click to read more... 15763 Physics-based Animation of Solids and Fluids 12 This course explores physics-based animations of solids and fluids, key in fields like visual effects, VR, and digital fashion. Central to this is solving partial differential equations (PDEs) using numerical methods, with applications in areas such as computational mechanics and 3D content creation. Through lectures and student presentations on research papers, we will cover the simulation of rigid bodies, deformable bodies, shells, rods, liquids, and smoke, from PDE discretization to solver implementation. A strong background in math and programming is recommended, as students will work on advanced numerical methods. The course also includes a project where students apply their knowledge to develop and test simulations. By the end, students will understand both classic and cutting-edge methods in solids and fluids simulation, along with the challenges of advancing these techniques in the broader field. Instructor(s) Minchen Li Click to read more... 15768 Discrete Differential Geometry 12 This course focuses on three-dimensional geometry processing, while simultaneously providing a first course in traditional differential geometry. Our main goal is to show how fundamental geometric concepts (like curvature) can be understood from complementary computational and mathematical points of view. This dual perspective enriches understanding on both sides, and leads to the development of practical algorithms for working with real-world geometric data. Along the way we will revisit important ideas from calculus and linear algebra, putting a strong emphasis on intuitive, visual understanding that complements the more traditional formal, algebraic treatment. The course provides essential mathematical background as well as a large array of real-world examples and applications. It also provides a short survey of recent developments in digital geometry processing and discrete differential geometry. Topics include: curves and surfaces, curvature, connections and parallel transport, exterior algebra, exterior calculus, Stokes' theorem, simplicial homology, de Rham cohomology, Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition, conformal mapping, finite element methods, and numerical linear algebra.Applications include: approximation of curvature, curve and surface smoothing, surface parameterization, vector field design, and computation of geodesic distance. Instructor(s) Keenan Crane Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Algorithms and Complexity - (*) 15780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence 12 This course provides a broad perspective on AI, covering (i) classical approaches of search and planning useful for robotics, (ii) integer programming and continuous optimization that form the bedrock for many AI algorithms, (iii) modern machine learning techniques including deep learning that power many recent AI applications, (iv) game theory and multi-agent systems, and (v) issues of bias and unfairness in AI. In addition to understanding the theoretical foundations, we will also study modern algorithms in the research literature. Instructor(s) Aditi Raghunathan Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Artificial Intelligence - (*) 15784 Cooperative AI 12 In AI and beyond, systems of multiple agents are naturally modeled using game theory. From game theory, we know that sometimes, when each agent pursues its own objectives, the outcome may be one that is bad for all agents (e.g., the Prisoner's Dilemma). Learning algorithms can indeed converge to such bad equilibria. What can be done to prevent such bad outcomes, and how should we think about designing agents in such contexts? In this course, we will approach this question from a variety of angles, ranging from traditional approaches in game theory to novel ones that fit AI better than humans. Instructor(s) Vincent Conitzer Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Artificial Intelligence - (-) 15793 Secure Computer Systems 12 This course is broadly focused on full-stack system security and will cover the foundations of building secure systems and cryptography. During the course we will cover hardware, system software, and cryptographic primitives for building secure systems, both within the datacenter environment and in the decentralized setting. The course will focus on the cross-cutting security requirements of systems and how to bolster their security guarantees using a combination of systems and cryptographic techniques. The lectures will cover fundamental security concepts (e.g., threat models, trusted computing base), and do a deep dive into state-of-the-art attacks and defenses (e.g., speculative execution attacks). The course will span a set of hardware security topics including trusted execution environments, side-channels, hardware attacks (e.g., Meltdown, Spectre, Rowhammer), software systems such as blockchains, anonymous messaging, and secure machine learning. Instructor(s) Dimitrios SkarlatosWenting Zheng Click to read more... 15799 Special Topics in Database Systems: Query Optimization 12 This course is a hands-on exploration of the most challenging problem in computer science: database query optimization. It will cover the classical and state-of-the-art methods and algorithms for converting SQL statements into physical query plans. Additional topics include cost models, feedback mechanisms, and adaptive query optimization. All class projects will be in the context of an open-source query optimizer service using real-world queries. The course is appropriate for graduate students in software systems and advanced undergraduates with nasty programming skills that are pursuing a database-centric lifestyle. Instructor(s) Andrew Pavlo Click to read more... 15801 CS PhD Alternative Elective varies This course number is used by the department for approved alternate electives for doctoral students. Click to read more... 15802 CSD PhD Elective varies This course number is used by the department for approved alternate electives for doctoral students. Click to read more... 15817 HOT Compilation 12 The course covers the implementation of compilers for higher-order typed languages such as ML and Haskell and gives an introduction to type-preserving compilation. Core topics include type checking and inference, elaboration, closure conversion, garbage collection, and translation to a low-level imperative language. Other topics may vary from year to year and include phase splitting, CPS conversion, typed assembly language, substructural and adjoint type systems, intersection types, and variable lifetimes. Instructor(s) Frank Pfenning Click to read more... 15819 Advanced Topics in Programming Language Theory 12 TBA Instructor(s) Karl Crary Click to read more... 15851 Algorithms for Big Data 12 With the growing number of massive datasets in applications such as machine learning and numerical linear algebra, classical algorithms for processing such datasets are often no longer feasible. In this course we will cover algorithmic techniques, models, and lower bounds for handling such data. A common theme is the use of randomized methods, such as sketching and sampling, to provide dimensionality reduction. In the context of optimization problems, this leads to faster algorithms, and we will see examples of this in the form of least squares regression and low rank approximation of matrices and tensors, as well as robust variants of these problems. In the context of distributed algorithms, dimensionality reduction leads to communication-efficient protocols, while in the context of data stream algorithms, it leads to memory-efficient algorithms. We will study some of the above problems in such models, such as low rank approximation, but also consider a variety of classical streaming problems such as counting distinct elements, finding frequent items, and estimating norms. Finally we will study lower bound methods in these models showing that many of the algorithms we covered are optimal or near-optimal. Such methods are often based on communication complexity and information-theoretic arguments. Instructor(s) David Woodruff Click to read more... Doctoral Breadth: Algorithms and Complexity - (*) 15859 Special Topics in Theory: Cryptography 12 This course is geared to cover advanced topics in cryptography. The course will have a theory focus and cover trending topics in cryptography (that might change depending on the year). The course is meant for students who are either already doing research in cryptography or considering research in the area. In the Spring 2025, we will cover advanced topics such as homomorphic crypto-systems, multi-party computation, zero-knowledge proofs and obfuscation. Instructor(s) Aayush Jain Click to read more... 15867 Algorithmic Textiles Design 12 Textile artifacts are -- quite literally -- all around us; from clothing to carpets to car seats. These items are often produced by sophisticated, computer-controlled fabrication machinery. In this course we will discuss everywhere code touches textiles fabrication, including design tools, simulators, and machine control languages. Students will work on a series of multi-week, open-ended projects, where they use code to create patterns for modern sewing/embroidery, weaving, and knitting machines; and then fabricate these patterns in the textiles lab. Students in the 800-level version of the course will be required to create a final project which develops a new algorithm, device, or technique in the realm of textiles fabrication. Instructor(s) James McCann Click to read more... 15868 Physics-based Rendering 12 This course is an introduction to physics-based rendering at the advanced undergraduate and introductory graduate level. During the course, we will cover fundamentals of light transport, including topics such as the rendering and radiative transfer equations, light transport operators, path integral formulations, and approximations such as diffusion and single scattering. Additionally, we will discuss state-of-the-art models for illumination, surface and volumetric scattering, and sensors. Finally, we will use these theoretical foundations to develop Monte Carlo algorithms and sampling techniques for efficiently simulating physically-accurate images. Towards the end of the course, we will look at advanced topics such as rendering wave optics, neural rendering, and differentiable rendering. The course has a strong programming component, in the form of assignments through which students will develop their own working implementation of a physics-based renderer, including support for a variety of rendering algorithms, materials, illumination sources, and sensors. The course also emphasizes theoretical aspects of physics-based rendering, through weekly take-home quizzes. Lastly, the course includes a final project, during which students will select and implement some advanced rendering technique, and use their implementation to produce an image that is both technically and artistically compelling. The course will conclude with a rendering competition, where students submit their rendered images to win prizes. Instructor(s) Ioannis Gkioulekas Click to read more... 15990 Computer Science Colloquium This course number is used for scheduling distinguished lectures offered throughout the semester. Click to read more... 15996 DEI Introductory Course for CS Doctoral Students 6 The goal of this course is to prepare PhD students to engage in the CS community, even as our community evolves to put more emphasis on Justice, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (JEDI). This evolution is reflected in the increasing expectations of students to engage meaningfully with JEDI concepts on department committees, in student groups, and on job applications. Instructor(s) Nathan Beckmann Click to read more... 15997 Graduate Reading and Research varies This course number is for registering for reading and research while working on research and your dissertation. Instructor(s) Karl Crary Click to read more... 15998 Practicum in Computer Science varies The course number should be used for registering units for internships. Instructor(s) Karl Crary Click to read more... Pagination First page « First Previous page ‹ Previous Page 1 Current page 2