Carnegie Mellon Computer Club Spring Talk Series

— 9:00pm

5421 - Wean Hall

Real-Time 3D Graphics from the Ground Up

Ray-tracers can draw beautiful, detailed computer-generated scenes, but they can take hours (or days!) to draw one frame. So how do video games draw 3D scenes when they have less than 30 milliseconds to output a frame? This talk draws back the curtain on systems like OpenGL and DirectX, to show you how they work under the hood. — Have you ever wondered how fast inverse square root works, wanted to learn a bit of computing history, or craved the thrill of learning a new language again, but didn't know where to start looking? Look no further! Whether you're a hacking veteran or a newfound computer lover, there's something for you in Computer Club's Spring 2016 weekly talk series, so swing on by! Sponsored by Green Hills Software.

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